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College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Department of Architecture: Gilmore Challenge

Alum Dave Gilmore (Architecture, ‘76) is generously contributing a $20,000 matching gift to the Architecture Department, a place where he learned, grew as a person, and came to feel at home.

Alumnus Matches Gifts in the Spirit of Competition

Scott Gaudineer (BA Architecture, ‘79, BAR Architecture, ‘80) is matching gifts up to $25,000 to the College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s Interdisciplinary Studios and Labs & Student Support Fund this Poly Gives.

ARCH Alum Sponsors CRP Studio and Downtown Monterey Revision Plan

Wallace Gordon, an architecture alum, chose to fund a project in Monterey, donating $25,000 to provide students with the necessary resources.

Cal Poly Alum Gives Back To Program That Energized His Career

Ronald Allen recently decided to fund a scholarship for students in the City and Regional Planning department to “pay it forward.”